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If your child is required to take prescription medication during the school day, please note the following procedure:

  • Contact the school office to request a parent/carer agreement form for school to administer a prescribed medication form. You can call the office on 01527 525725.

  • Complete the form with full details and then return this to the school office.

When agreed, prescription medication can then be delivered to the school office by an adult. Do not send medication into school with your child.

Prescription medication must be labelled with the name of the child, their class and dosage instructions.

Prescription medication should be collected at the end of the school day, unless otherwise arranged. Any prescription medication not collected will be disposed of at the end of each term, unless otherwise arranged.

It is your child’s responsibility to come to the first aid room to take their prescribed medication at the appropriate time.

It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that the school has updated information regarding any medical conditions or allergies, and that prescribed medication, if needed, is supplied to the school.

It is not the school’s responsibility to administer medication that has not been prescribed by a doctor.

Do not send medication into school with your child until you have completed your parent/carer agreement and, if appropriate, discussed this with the first aid team.

You can read our medical policy, including our first aid procedures and how we support pupils with medical conditions, on our policies page here.

Click here to access an electronic copy of our Individual Health Care Plan.

Contact Us

Ipsley C of E Middle School,
Winyates Way,
B98 0UB

01527 525725